The principle of restrictive doctrine of sovereignty in an employment dispute. Case: The United States of America v Menteri Sumber Manusia & Ors [2022] MLJU 1258 – FEDERAL COURT [Civil Appeal No: 01(f)-18-10/2021(W)] Brief Facts: The United States of America (the ‘USA) is a sovereign state which has established a diplomatic mission, the Embassy ofRead more >
Can political parties sue individuals for defamatory statements? Case: Lim Lip Eng v Ong Ka Chuan (as a public officer of a society registered as Malaysian Chinese Association) [2022] MLJU 762 – FEDERAL COURT[CIVIL APPEAL NO. 02(i)-25-03 OF 2020(W)] Brief Facts: Lim Lip Eng (“Appellant”) was at the material time a Member of Parliament forRead more >
Does an employee demotion or re-grading amount to constructive dismissal? Case: Ng Teck Fay v. Mahkamah Perusahaan Malaysia & Anor. [2021] 10 CLJ 73, Court of Appeal Brief Facts: The appellant (“Employee”) started working for the Company in 2008 as an Assistant General Manager. In 2014, the Employee accidentally shared an internal email with anRead more >
Whether an illegitimate child born outside of Malaysia to a Malaysian biological father and Filipino mother is entitled to become a Malaysian citizen? Case: CTEB & ANOR v KETUA PENGARAH PENDAFTARAN NEGARA, MALAYSIA & ORS [2022] MLJ 236 – FEDERAL COURT [CIVIL APPEAL NO: 01(i)-34-10 OF 2019(W)] Brief Facts: CTEB was born in the PhilippinesRead more >
Does an attending physician have a duty to inform or warn a patient to give accurate answers to questions posed during history-taking exercise? Case: DR PREMITHA DAMODARAN v. GURISHA TARANJEET KAUR & ANOR AND ANOTHER APPEAL [2022] 3 CLJ 797 Brief Facts: The First Plaintiff in this case is Baby Gurisha Taranjeet Kaur (“Baby Gurisha”)Read more >
Land Purchased at A Public Auction – Can The Buyer then sue The Bank if it is discovered that The Land was smaller than what was stated in The Proclamation of Sale? Case: AMBANK [M] BERHAD v AIM EDITION SDN BHD [2022 2 MLRA 313] Brief Facts: SAP Holdings Berhad the landowner of certain landsRead more >
Is an employee’s misconduct of submitting a false claim a just cause or excuse for his dismissal? Case: TELEKOM RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD v. AHMAD FARID ABDUL RAHMAN [2021] 1 LNS 1711 [CIVIL APPEAL NO: W-01(A)-170-03 OF 2020] Brief Facts: Ahmad Farid Abdul Rahman (“Farid”) in this case was employed by a Company calledRead more >