Can the giving of legal advice by an adjudged bankrupt, whose practising certificate has been suspended, amount to practising law in contravention of the Legal Profession Act 1976? Case: DARSHAN SINGH KHAIRA v. ZULKEFLI HASHIM [2020] 1 LNS 260 Brief Facts: Zulkefli Bin Hashim (“Zulkefli”) was convicted in a traffic case by the Magistrates’ court.Read more >
Can a foreign national have a permanent contract of employment? Case: AHMAD ZAHRI MIRZA ABDUL HAMID v. AIMS CYBERJAYA SDN BHD [2020] 1 LNS 494 Brief Facts: Ahmad, an expatriate, received a letter of appointment for the position of consultant from AIMS. The contract for consultancy services was for a fixed term from 1 OctoberRead more >
Can accused persons who are convicted of disobeying the Movement Control Order appeal for alternative punishment instead of imprisonment in the interest of justice? Case: CHIN CHEE WEI & ANOR V PP [2020] 1 LNS 319 Brief Facts: Chin Chee Wei and Chong Poh Wah (collectively, the “Accused”) were arrested and jointly charged for anRead more >
Can the payment of quit rent, assessment rates, electricity and water bills be used to prove ownership of property? Case: HS REALTY SDN BHD v. YOW HONG SOON [2020] 1 LNS 230 Brief Facts: HS Realty Sdn Bhd (“New Owner”) is the registered proprietor of a piece of land in Pulau Pinang (“Said Land”). Read more >
Can a civil servant be dismissed from employment by a local authority without affording him the right to be heard? Case: PIHAK BERKUASA TATATERTIB MAJLIS PERBANDARAN SEBERANG PERAI & ANOR v. MUZIADI MUKHTAR [2020] 1 CLJ 1 Brief Facts: Pihak Berkuasa Tatatertib Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai, a local authority responsible for the conduct and disciplineRead more >
Can a child of foreign citizenship be ordered to be placed under the sole custody of her biological father who is also a foreign citizen? Case: DR JOHNY A/L KULADAIVELU V AGILAANDESWARI VASUTHEVAN [2020] 1 LNS 41 Brief Facts: Dr Johny A/L Kuladaivelu (“Dr Johny”) married Agilaandeswari Vasuthevan (“Agila”) in India and the marriage wasRead more >
How does the court determine the quantum of maintenance to be paid to a spouse under section 77 of the Law Reform of (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976? Case: NG PING PING (P) V CHONG KOK KEONG (L) [2020] 1 LNS 44 Brief Facts: Ng Ping Ping (“Wife”) and Chong Kok Keong (“Husband”) were legallyRead more >